psychedelic velvet
schööön wars!!! (no april joke)
Sat, 01. April 2000
psy floor: atyss (radio fg, paris) thomas (cosmicwalker), marcus (project reen)chill floor: easy (jactatio), ghubbbb (cosmicwalker), stefan k, Cairo & mc Fedja
Sat, 25. March 2000
psy trance partyDJs: alpha (freeform/mushroom), psychowarrior (cosmicwalker), project reen
Sat, 19. February 2000
psychedelic trance eventDJs: nartak (freeform), psychowarrior (cosmicwalker), falk (project reen)
Sat, 04. December 1999
open air on the premises of the old paper mill at Nausnitz
Fri, 03. September 1999 - Sat, 04. September 1999
for hemp parade in berlin we were venture with a for SHIVA's GARDEN (hall) there.
Sat, 28. August 1999